MFA Member News May 21 – 28

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See what MFA members are doing, to make the world more creative. MFA is highlighting Members’ event and exhibitions on our Blog so the world can follow us. Check back on a weekly basis for new exciting art events: MFA Members @ Alternate Locations: Pierre Parker solo exhibition of Photography  “Phenomenal Annapolis” currently on display at 14 State Circle (former…

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Me & My Art Monday: Meet Wil Scott

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This week’s featured artist:  Wil Scott, Board of Directors member since 2010: ME:  I don’t remember being greatly interested in photography at an early age, and yet I still have two Brownie cameras my parents gave me as a child.  As an art history grad student, I fooled around taking scenic landscapes, but I wasn’t thinking I was creating “art.”  The turning point was…

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MFA Member News – May 14 – May 21

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See what MFA members are doing, to make the world more creative. MFA is highlighting Members’ event and exhibitions on our Blog so the world can follow us. Check back on a weekly basis for new exciting art events: Meet the Artist Robert Madden at Paul’s Homewood Cafe. Opening Reception: Thursday May 15, 4:30 -6:00pm. View Madden’s current series of…

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Me & My Art Monday: Meet Alex Tolstoy

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This week’s featured artist:  Alex Tolstoy, member since 2012:   ME:  Born in NYC but growing up in DC (near the zoo; says a lot) I had a brief four years in Hawaii – a good experience – and I now live in Virginia. For over 40 years I was a research scientist (mathematician, actually) working primarily in Underwater Acoustics and signal processing. It kept…

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