MFA Executive Director Joann Vaughan shares her strategy for getting friends and family to GIVE $10 for MFA through the Great Give. Last year the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County unveiled the first “Great Give” – a 24-hour fund-a-thon that encourages county residents to support nonprofits and has various cash awards for nonprofits who succeed in doing so. One…
This week’s featured artist: Marie Crow, member since 2013 ME: I am a portrait artist. I was born and raised in Annapolis, growing up on Spa Creek next to my grandmother, who ran Flood’s Firestone on West Street. I have been a painter since childhood; I took my first art classes in Annapolis from a German woman named Mrs. Hansel,…
How can art redeem the past, or add meaning to otherwise random collection of objects found from our lives? Carolyn Russel, a local to Annapolis, describes her work in Art on Paper: Carolyn Russell, Long Haul Weaver, giclee print The poem written on the saw reads: “Long Haul Weaver of Gossamer fine Trust In Search of Magician who thoroughly Knows…
Something new: Starting today, we are going to feature a different MFA member every week for our new series “Me & My Art” Monday blog posts. Our goal is to get to know our members individually and hear about their connection to their art and to MFA. If you are a member, this is a great way to get known…quickly!…
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