Can you give $15 in ’15?
For the past two years, MFA has participated in “The Great Give” a 24-hour fund-a-thon sponsored by the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County. Nonprofits in Anne Arundel County compete for cash prizes by getting a lot of donors to make small gifts in support of their favorite nonprofits.
We have been VERY successful.
For the past two years, MFA has been the “small nonprofit with the most donors” – a designation that has a $10,000 prize attached to it. In 2014, MFA received $11,000 from 478 separate – and another $11,000 prize money. For a small nonprofit, $22,000 is a lot of money!
This money has helped MFA:
• keep fees down
• keep membership at $60
• create an MFA Fellowship to fund a full-time gallery manager and budding arts management professional. You know her — Mia!
This money has been very important to us and, we hope, to you!
The Great Give runs for 24 hours only from 6 pm May 5 to 6 pm May 6 – fr and MFA wants you to help us to win – again!
We need you to give $15 in support of MFA through The Great Give – and to ask everyone you know to give $15. The more $15 gifts we get, the closer we are to winning $10,000 – again.
And the more money we have to support art and artists in the community.
So mark your calendars and let’s do this – again!
$15 in ’15 – May 5 and 6!