This week’s featured artist: Joe Galindo, member since 2014:
ME: I’m a Texas Gulf Coast native. Before moving to Crofton, MD two years ago, I moved and traveled around for about 12 years, living in and visiting almost every continent. My life has not come without its challenges but those challenges gave me deep, soulful roots. I enjoy experiencing life with others and getting to know what they do, why they do it, and how they see the world around them. That curiosity leads me to travel to many third-world and developing countries far from the comforts of ocean-side resorts. Having experienced hard times, I learned to embrace the good things in life and love to see others doing the same.
MY ART: I started photographing in 2003 and learned that I could capture the deep-rooted emotions I had experienced in my life through the lens and almost relive the experiences just looking at my photographs. A family friend commented on how my photographs made them feel and it surprised me that the emotion I experienced had transferred to someone else. I became more comfortable with sharing over time but still have many photographs that I have never shown others. I only photograph what I feel and really take the time to find the soul of my environment. Every object, subject, setting, sound, and smell tells a story and I really try to channel that energy before I pick up my camera. I might be in a smoky bar, deep in a jungle, or flying over Annapolis in a small airplane, but I’m always trying to see what emotion my environment is giving off. I want to feel what story it has to tell. I took the photograph pictured here in a remote village of. Ologá, Venezuela… one of my favorite places in the world. Visit my Flickr site:
MFA & ME: I entered the circle gallery in 2013 to see what was on display and the work in the gallery spoke to me. I could see that the artists of the MFA had that same self-expression that I enjoyed. I could feel their work and knew it was the right place for me. I’ve recently started teaching the fundamentals of manual photography and enjoy observing my students develop their own style. I encourage them to look for the essence of their environment and then use their technical skills to capture that image in the way that best represents that emotion. I hope to see many of my students join the MFA and a community of great artists.
Spread the word about…YOU: Every week, we feature an MFA member for “Me & My Art Monday.” If you would like to be featured, please submit a photo and three paragraphs: one each about YOU, YOUR ART, and MFA & YOU totaling approximately 350 words, to
Joe, great work. Glad you’ve joined MFA.
You amaze us. You always have. Seeing your expression through your pictures has opened me up to understanding you more. You are a beautiful soul. Thank you for being so strong and giving so much. We love you Joe Galindo.