This week’s featured artist: Mia Nardini, Gallery Manager as of June 2014:
ME: I’m a native Annapolitan, who now lives in Severna Park. My parents are Californians who moved here in their early twenties. They passed their love for the arts and all things creative on to me, and I have been a self-proclaimed artist ever since, whether I am practicing or not. I love illustration, photography, music, fashion … just about everything and anything creative, beautiful and unique. I hope that my daily involvement with art as the new MFA Gallery Manager will help me expand my skill set and provide me with a much-needed creativity boost to take me to the next level as an artist, but until then I’m more than happy to just admire the tremendous talent this organization supports. I earned a BA in Corporate Communications from The University of Baltimore, and as a recent graduate, I couldn’t have found a better opportunity to use my education doing something I love and for that, I’m beyond grateful.
MY ART: Since I was a child I have always loved to draw. Although I don’t make much time for it now, it is a true passion of mine. I was always the kid writing and drawing on anything that was handy, and I took as many art classes as I could. A few years ago, I discovered Graphic Design and Web Design, which are both now my main focus. I like being able to incorporate art into the technological aspects of business, and life for that matter, and create multimedia communications for myself and for others.
MFA & ME: I can’t begin to express my excitement on receiving the MFA Fellowship position of Gallery Manager. I love the daily operations, and there are endless opportunities to apply the knowledge I acquired while earning my degree. I get to spend most of my day communicating with the public, the artists, and the enthusiasts that are involved with MFA. Whether in person at the Gallery, or by any other means I strive to provide the information and materials necessary to keep everyone in the know and involved as much as possible. I’m fortunate to be able to create print and web-based material that will keep everyone informed about all that is going on in within MFA and without in respect to its members and supporters. The Collector’s Choice invitation pictured below is an example of something I had great fun creating!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful organization.
Spread the word about…YOU: Every week, we feature an MFA member for “Me & My Art Monday.” If you would like to be featured, please submit a photo and three paragraphs: one each about YOU, YOUR ART, and MFA & YOU totaling approximately 350 words, to