This week’s featured artist: Claudia L. Brookes ME: I live in Northern Baltimore County (Monkton, MD), in beautiful rural “horse country.” From the windows of my downstairs studio, I can see the woods in every season, as well as our busy birdfeeder and my “north-facing” gardens. I have been a professional fine artist for the past 15 years—a second career…
With every show at MFA Circle Gallery, there is always so much more than meets the eye. Yesterday, someone pointed out to me the precision and accuracy involved in Keith Parks photograph “Anticipating the Inevitable”. The gallery goer was himself a photographer who recognized that Parks photograph was actually created by carefully constructed folded paper and lighting techniques. So…
Travel writer Doug Bardwell from Columbus Station, Ohio writes about Paint Annapolis in his travel blog. Thanks Doug for plugging Paint Annapolis! Paint Annapolis: A plein air painting competition and exhibition WATCH PAINT DRY
It takes money to run an organization – even a nonprofit organization. While art is at the heart of MFA, it isn’t possible without sufficient income to keep the organization running. It’s a puzzle fitting together the different income streams that keep MFA’s doors open: Exhibition Fees, Membership Dues, Fundraising and Net Sales. For MFA, like many nonprofits, the largest income…
Jennifer Holmes, Dory, oil on linen Drum Roll… Let the games begin!! MFA is pleased to Announce the 30 Artists that will be participating in Paint Annapolis 2014 have been selected. Click Here to see a list of Accepted Artists and a complete schedule of events: For those of you just tuning in, MFA will be hosting Paint Annapolis…
MFA Executive Director Joann Vaughan shares her strategy for getting friends and family to GIVE $10 for MFA through the Great Give. Last year the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County unveiled the first “Great Give” – a 24-hour fund-a-thon that encourages county residents to support nonprofits and has various cash awards for nonprofits who succeed in doing so. One…
This week’s featured artist: Marie Crow, member since 2013 ME: I am a portrait artist. I was born and raised in Annapolis, growing up on Spa Creek next to my grandmother, who ran Flood’s Firestone on West Street. I have been a painter since childhood; I took my first art classes in Annapolis from a German woman named Mrs. Hansel,…
How can art redeem the past, or add meaning to otherwise random collection of objects found from our lives? Carolyn Russel, a local to Annapolis, describes her work in Art on Paper: Carolyn Russell, Long Haul Weaver, giclee print The poem written on the saw reads: “Long Haul Weaver of Gossamer fine Trust In Search of Magician who thoroughly Knows…
Something new: Starting today, we are going to feature a different MFA member every week for our new series “Me & My Art” Monday blog posts. Our goal is to get to know our members individually and hear about their connection to their art and to MFA. If you are a member, this is a great way to get known…quickly!…