If you do not have an account with MFA, you will be asked to create one during the entry process. Already have an account, but need to update your information? Update Now!
Introducing the Hospice Cup Poster Competition
Hospice Cup, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1981 to help local and regional hospices raise funds for patient programs. In collaboration with Maryland Federation of Art, Inc. (MFA), the organization hosts an annual competition for a piece of artwork to serve as the backdrop for their yearly poster. The winning work will be chosen through MFA’s People’s Choice Voting Gallery and at the reception. The winning artwork will be considered a donation to Hospice Cup, Inc., and will be the representative image for the 2025 Hospice Cup Event and will be reproduced on posters, t-shirts, and other promotional material. The winning piece of art will be used by the Hospice Cup for its annual poster. We encourage compositions that are of a ratio no wider or taller than 3:2 (i.e. 36″ x 24″ or 24″ x 36″) for better placement in a standard poster size. Work submitted for the poster competition will be on display in MFA’s online People’s Choice Voting Gallery from March 10 – April 4, 2025. The winner will be announced during a reception held on the evening of April 16 from 6 – 8 PM, featuring the top four pieces. For more information, visit hospicecup.org. Artwork may be offered for sale. Any original 2D work in any media is eligible for entry. Artwork must feature sailboats, preferably racing in a regatta in the Chesapeake Bay. There is no fee to enter work for consideration. For more information, visit hospicecup.org.
Terms of Entry
- Entry is open to all artists residing in any of the states or territories of the US.
- Entering this exhibition indicates understanding and agreement on the part of the artist with the conditions stated herein and with (a) MFA’s approved Statement of Equity and Diversity and (b) MFA’s General Guidelines. Work must meet exhibition guidelines to be included in this event. MFA may determine work ineligible if entry guidelines are not followed.
- In order to be eligible for consideration, work must depict sailboats, preferably racing in a regatta in the Chesapeake Bay.
- By submitting a piece of art for consideration, the artist agrees that if the piece is chosen as the winning piece, the artist will be deemed to have granted an irrevocable license to Hospice Cup, Inc. to use the piece and copies of the piece on various media in connection with promoting the Hospice Cup event in 2024 and in future years. The artist of the chosen piece will be deemed to have gifted the piece to Hospice Cup, Inc. to be auctioned at the Hospice Cup party to help raise funds for hospice services. Artists should consult with their tax advisor with respect to this gift.
- Images of submitted works may be used at the sole discretion of MFA for promotional purposes including, but not limited to: the invitation, catalog, website, social media, or a subsequent year’s prospectus. Images will include attribution wherever possible. Work cannot be withdrawn before the end of the event.
- Work cannot be withdrawn before the end of the event.
- MFA shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or inability to use, MFA’s online exhibition gallery.
- Artwork will be handled with all possible care. MFA will not be responsible or liable for loss or damage from any cause whatsoever. Insurance, if desired, must be carried by the artist.
- The Hospice Cup Poster Competition winner will be selected at the reception from the four pieces that receive the highest number of votes in MFA’s online People’s Choice Voting Gallery.
- The four artists with the highest number of votes in the People’s Choice Gallery will each receive a $70 one-year MFA Membership.
Entry Requirements
- All work must be entered by uploading JPEG images through MFA’s online entry system. Set pixel dimension between 1,500 and 3,000 pixels on the longest side. File size may be no more than 5 MB.
- MFA does not display watermarks; artists display at their own risk.
- To enter online, you will need an MFA account that includes an email address and a password. There is no charge to create an MFA account.
Entry Fee
- There is no fee to enter work for consideration.
- All entries must be original and completed solely by the artist’s hand. A maximum of 2 original works created within the past 3 years may be entered. If artwork is part of a limited edition, please state total number in the edition.
- Work previously exhibited in MFA’s People’s Choice Voting Gallery is not eligible for re-entry.
- Minimum size of work based off of edges of the artwork should not be less than 12” in one direction by 18” in the other direction. Maximum size of work, including edges of artwork and frame, cannot exceed 36” in any direction.
- MFA’s Online Sales Gallery is provided to North American artists to sell their work. Only artists in the 48 contiguous United States may set a price. MFA will reimburse up to $40 in shipping costs to those artists for online sales shipments if a receipt is provided. All other artists must enter Price on Request (POR) and purchase inquiries will be referred by MFA to the artist.
- Artists will retain 80% from sales (85% for MFA Members). MFA will retain 20% commission (15% for MFA Members) on any work sold through MFA. Artists will be responsible for fulfillment of sales.
- Work must be for sale. Work may be set to Price on Request (POR).
Exhibition Schedule
- Jan 31 Online Entry Opens for Submissions
- Mar 7 Entry Deadline
- Mar 10 Online Exhibition Opens; People’s Choice Voting Opens
- Apr 4 People’s Choice Voting Closes at Midnight
- Apr 16 Reception from 6 – 8 PM Location To Be Announced
- May 15 Last Day of Online Exhibition
Artists who have unsubscribed from MFA’s emails will not receive information about this exhibition.
Emails to artists will include specific details and may vary from the prospectus.
Please set your email account to recognize notification@mdfedart.org and info@mdfedart.org.