About the Artist

Sara Swacina,   Willamsport, MD

You know when you experience a moment, so perfect, so wonderful that you take an extra deep breath and wish you could freeze it right there, that is what my art is to me. It is a multitude of frozen moments with rose colored glasses, because that is how I like to view the world. I like seeing colors as a little brighter. I like knowing that I experienced that, but in my memory it glows a little lighter. So, I pluck each hand selected moment and freeze it in a romanticized way. There, for the viewing another day.

My name is Sara Swacina. I mostly work with acrylic paints but have dabbled in many mediums. The thing that drew me to the art world in the first place is the challenge each new art piece presents. Novelist Robert R. McCammon puts it best when he says: “There is nothing more frightening or exciting than a blank piece of paper. Frightening because you’re on your own, leaving dark tracks across that snowy plain, and exciting because no one knows your destination but yourself, and even you can’t say exactly where you’ll end up.” Although McCammon was referring to writing books, it is still a creative endeavor and is just as applicable to any art piece. So, I start out each new art piece with a fear and excitement that is roll up into one emotion, and this feeling is part of what draws me back to the blank page/canvas each time.