About the Artist

Marilyn LowneyJohnson,   Philadelphia, PA

BIO: Marilyn Lowney Johnson has assisted in teaching art to young artists for many years in Philadelphia, PA. After submission to international, national, regional, and local juried competitions, her work was chosen to appear in group shows in galleries in Manhattan, NY; Nova Scotia, Canada; Maryland; Virginia; Washington, D.C.; Delaware; Wisconsin; and Pennsylvania. After juried competitions, her work also appeared in group shows in online galleries. Before taking up photography full time, she traveled, worked first as a lawyer, then as an elementary school teacher, and always as a community volunteer. Along with taking pictures, she spends time with her grandchildren.

I was inspired to start taking pictures while I was working with young artists. I watched them enjoy both the process of making art and the finished product. I walk outside with my camera, look around, and start taking pictures. I may decide on a subject before I go out; I may see something and think “that would make a great picture”; or I may visit a place I’ve seen before to explore and record changes. I want to present things in a way that causes the viewer to stop, use their imagination, and think “that reminds me of…..” ; or stop when the photo causes them to laugh or feel a sense of peace, or experience some other emotion. We have the technology to immediately capture whatever is in front of us. The challenge is for people to slow down; to question whether there is only one way to look at the item or idea in front of them; and to search for new meaning in something they may have seen before.

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