About the Artist

Pauline Rakis,   Silver Spring, MD

My interest in art had been dormant for a number of years. It resurfaced in 2003 when I took a sketching class. Twice a year thereafter, from,2004-07, I took week-end workshops and random classes. My focus was not to become an artists per se. That mindset changed in the spring of 2007 when I was invited to participate in my first Plein Aire trip to France. The trip introduced me to what being an painter meant. Painting outside was challenging for a new painter. However, The experience of being totally immersed in painting for 10 days was amazing. It introduced me to elements I had never considered: architecture & nature, light & colors and shapes.

During the years following the trip to France, I tried my hand at watercolors, pastels, and acrylics with various instructors. I ultimately chose acrylics as my medium .While I enjoy painting in Plein Aire, I spend the majority of my time painting in my studio. There I explored collage and abstracts, finding them to be freeing & enlightening. My best work is that which I produce intuitively, I paint regularly, continuing to learn and explore. Exploring different mediums and styles has brought me to where I am now. Having embarked on this path, art is now my life's work. It brings me joy and happiness. It is what I do for my wellbeing.Art has opened my world to many possibilities: challenges, hopefulness, creative expression and new friends as I share my work with others.

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